Wagner Ranch Services
Excavation Services (Roads, Pads, Lots)
Jane Clark received her real estate sales license in 1978, becoming a broker just two years later and then owner of Banner Realty. Banner Realty later merged with Carroll Realty, forming the largest company in Sheridan.
She has focused on Woodland Park affordable housing and the patio homes for seniors and people with one level housing needs and ADA accommodations.
This involved working with the State, County and City and private entities to make this happen. She is currently helping to get Veterans housing and workforce housing to Sheridan. She does Real Estate Development and investment counseling.
She manages her family's ranch, rentals and mineral interests. She loves to garden, travel in the United States, camp and cook for her husband with the Back Country horsemen’s work on cleaning and improving trails in the Big Horns.
Please let Jane’s 45 years of experience Work well for you!